
2018年4月9日 星期一


早上的地铁有点拥挤,可能是背包摩擦的缘故,一男一女吵起了嘴,一个年轻女人的声音高声响起:SHUT THE FUCK UP!男人回应说:What a miserable country! 后面的交锋,没有听清,女人下车的时候,男人大概又嘀咕了一句什么,女人的高声再次响起:JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!


女人的第一句话,如果要转译为汉语,还要稍费心思:“闭上你的臭嘴!”似乎强度还不够。“逼上你丫的臭逼嘴!”还差不多。其实,最简洁给力、又传神的汉语译文,应该是我快要遗忘的、我们小学时候流行的那句口头禅:“闭肛!”  如此看来,可以发现小学生的创造力多么大啊。

2018年4月6日 星期五

Always a civil war

There is no trade war. There is only propaganda war. Any war between countries is in a way a propaganda war. But for some countries, the propaganda war is always a domestic war rather than an international conflict. 

Their philosophy is: If you can conquer your own people, you can conquer any people. This echos another personal philosophy: If you can conquer yourself, you can conquer anything. 

But the philosophical problem comes: If you conquered you self, are you still yourself? If a country conquered its people, is this country still its people's country?