
2016年9月28日 星期三



From Minority Report (publish by Alfred A. Knopf in 1956), no. 127:The public schools of the United States were damaged very seriously when they were taken over by the State. So long as they were privately operated the persons in charge of them retained a certain amount of professional autonomy, and with it went a considerable dignity. But now they are all petty jobholders, and show the psychology that goes with the trade. They have invented a bogus science of pedagogy to salve their egos, but it remains hollow to any intelligent eye. What they may teach or not teach is not determined by themselves, or even by any exercise of sound reason, but by the interaction of politics on the one side and quack theorists on the other. Even savages have reached a better solution of the educational problem. Their boys are taught, not by puerile eunuchs, but by their best men, and the process of education among them really educates. This is certainly not true of ours. Many a boy of really fine mind is ruined in school. Along with a few sound values, many false ones are thrust into his thinking, and he inevitably acquires something of the attitude of mind of the petty bureaucrats told off to teach him. In college he may recover somewhat, for the college teacher is relatively more free than the pedagogue lower down the scale. But even in college education has become corrupted by buncombe, and so the boy on the border line of intelligence is apt to be damaged rather than benefited. Under proper care he might be pushed upward. As it is, he is shoved downward. Certainly everyday observation shows that the average college course produces no visible augmentation in the intellectual equipment and capacity of the student. Not long ago, in fact, an actual investigation in Pennsylvania demonstrated that students often regress so much during their four years that the average senior is less intelligent, by all know tests, than the average freshman. Part of this may be due to the fact that many really intelligent boys, as soon as they discover the vanity of the so-called education on tap, quit college in disgust, but in large part, I suspect, it is a product of the deadening effect of pedagogy.

还好吧,not my cup of ......大肆的抨击谩骂讽刺,没有太多实质性的东西,毕竟他也不是研究教育的,有点类似文人的批判。他所批判的pedagogy,应该是他那个时代教育的模式下的产物,注重social efficiency,  "for a long time boys are trained to be president... now we are training them to get jobs ",教育的目标目的性强 为社会培训工人。那时的教育研究处于 executive leadership period, 1925-1945 教育研究和社会实践都在侧重于如何使得教育机构 发挥最大的功效。  另外,教育从来就跟政治不分的,教育本身就是一件政治行为,代表哪方面的利益 ,什么样的教育目标,一位教授的原话。所以他痛斥 interaction of politics 和quack theorists 也是可以理解的。。。。。俺们系这些人就是些未来的quack theorist吧,但是目标是为了更好的发展 分析 建议 展望 解决。。。。。


