
2018年12月10日 星期一

Chinese Collective Mindset 中国集体主义心态

Chinese Collective Mindset
Recently many incidents have drawn lots of angry Chinese nationalist, such as the D&G chopstick ads incident. It reflects a typical collective mindset in China:
Insult to a Chinese individual means an insult to the whole nation and the whole Chinese race.
This is the root of the nationalism in China. Psychologically it is mostly due to insecurity and lack of confidence. Many people joked that the Chinese have glass hearts that are easily broken. However, the collective mindset provides a self-protection for a common identity which is the very nature of the human race. The mindset is also cultivated by the victim theory throughout the CCP education. We are always taught that we have been the victim of the western imperialism and US hegemony.

However, I always say I am a patriotic Chinese but not a nationalist. There is a fundamental difference here: the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does and even it is wrong to other people. The patriot is proud of his country for what it does it right and ashamed of his country for what it does wrong. Although what is right and what is wrong could be debated.



