这段英文的措辞和意思都很不错:【Political differences are seen as irreconcilable. Those who disagree with you are regarded as not just dumb or misguided but evil as well. Everything -- from school shootings to the American dream -- is seen through a partisan lens. Views are set in stone; changing them is regarded as a sign of weakness, not strength.】(政治分歧往往被视作是不可调和的。那些跟你意见不同的人,不是被视作傻子、就是邪恶的迷途羔羊。从校园枪击到美国梦的所有一切,都是党派棱镜后面的镜像。人们的观点坚如磐石,愿意改变的人,被视为懦弱无能,而非勇敢坚定。)
来自 https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/26/politics/monica-lewinsky-bill-clinton-analysis/index.html
来自 https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/26/politics/monica-lewinsky-bill-clinton-analysis/index.html