今日是英国女文豪弗吉尼亚-伍尔夫【Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)】诞辰136周年。伍尔夫的代表作有《达洛维夫人》、《到灯塔去》和《一间自己的房间》【Mrs Dalloway (1925), To The Lighthouse (1927), Orlando (1928) and A Room of One's Own (1929) 】。
最后一部,被视为现代女权主义的宣言,其文学、思想内涵都具划时代意义。伍尔夫生前常在英国居所举办沙龙,汇聚文学、艺术届名流骚客,与同她同时代在巴黎的女性领袖格鲁特-斯坦因 【Gertrude Stein(1874-1946)】,形成欧洲双子高照的态势。斯坦因也就是对海明威说出:“You are all a lost generation.”(”你们便是那迷惘的一代”)的那位卓越女性,说她是当时人来文艺界的圣母,毫不为过,其俱乐部的座上客包括海明威、庞德和毕加索这些后来如雷贯耳的人物。
历史上的伟人智者,都留下了一些广为传颂的名言警句,伍尔夫亦不例外,比如“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”“Language is wine upon lips.” "For most history, anonymous was a woman."
伍尔夫作品列表(参见https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Woolf ):
Source: Kirkpatrick, B. J.; Clarke, Stuart N. (1997). A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf (4th ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 9780198183839.
- Novels
- The Voyage Out (1915)
- Night and Day (1919)
- Jacob's Room (1922)
- Mrs Dalloway (1925)
- To the Lighthouse (1927)
- Orlando (1928)
- The Waves (1931)
- The Years (1937)
- Between the Acts (1941)
- Short story collections
- Kew Gardens (short story) (1919)
- Monday or Tuesday (1921)
- A Haunted House and Other Short Stories (1944)
- Mrs Dalloway's Party (1973)
- The Complete Shorter Fiction (1985)
- Carlyle's House and Other Sketches (2003)
- Biographies
Virginia Woolf published three books to which she gave the subtitle "A Biography":
- Orlando: A Biography (1928, usually characterised as a novelinspired by the life of Vita Sackville-West)
- Flush: A Biography (1933, more explicitly cross-genre: fiction as "stream of consciousness" tale by Flush, a dog; non-fiction in the sense of telling the story of the owner of the dog, Elizabeth Barrett Browning), reprinted in 2005 by Persephone Books
- Roger Fry: A Biography (1940, usually characterised as non-fiction, however: "[Woolf's] novelistic skills worked against her talent as a biographer, for her impressionistic observations jostled uncomfortably with the simultaneous need to marshal a multitude of facts."[79])
- Non-fiction
- Modern Fiction (1919)
- The Common Reader (1925)
- A Room of One's Own (1929)
- On Being Ill (1930)
- The London Scene (1931)
- The Common Reader: Second Series (1932)
- Three Guineas (1938)
- The Death of the Moth and Other Essays (1942)
- The Moment and Other Essays (1947)
- The Captain's Death Bed And Other Essays (1950)
- Granite and Rainbow (1958)
- Books and Portraits (1978)
- Women And Writing (1979)
- Collected Essays (six volumes)
- Drama
- Freshwater: A Comedy (performed in 1923, revised in 1935, and published in 1976)
- Translations
- Stavrogin's Confession & the Plan of 'The Life of a Great Sinner, from the notes of Fyodor Dostoevsky, translated in partnership with S. S. Koteliansky (1922)
- Autobiographical writings and diaries
- A Writer's Diary (1953)—Extracts from the complete diary
- Moments of Being (1976)
- A Moment's Liberty: the shorter diary (1990)
- The Diary of Virginia Woolf (five volumes)—Diary of Virginia Woolf from 1915 to 1941
- Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals, 1897–1909 (1990)
- Travels With Virginia Woolf (1993)—Greek travel diary of Virginia Woolf, edited by Jan Morris
- The Platform of Time: Memoirs of Family and Friends, Expanded Edition, edited by S. P. Rosenbaum (London, Hesperus, 2008)
- Letters
- Congenial Spirits: The Selected Letters (1993)
- The Letters of Virginia Woolf 1888–1941 (six volumes, 1975–1980)
- Paper Darts: The Illustrated Letters of Virginia Woolf (1991)
- Prefaces, contributions
- Selections Autobiographical and Imaginative from the Works of George Gissing ed. Alfred C. Gissing, with an introduction by Virginia Woolf (London & New York, 1929)
- Photograph albums